Rice fish farming
Mr. Uttam Mandal is a young farmer having 25 years of experience in farming with a land holding of 5 bigha including fishery. He had a vision to increase his income through fishery. During a training programme in the village Sengapara, KVK scientists observed that Mr. Mandal had a Rice field in the Roadside of the village along with a small pond in the middle of the field. For getting additional income he was advised to go for Rice cum fish farming. In 2014, KVK scientists selected him to practice rice fish farming in his own situation under FLD programme and in that year overall his net income increased. To avoid flood risk he was advised to construction of trench to make peripheral dyke height of the paddy plot upto 1.5 ft KVK scientist visited his field and helped him in giving technical known how through training and front line demonstration by giving required critical inputs. He has an annual income of Rs.126200 from both the 34.75 q/ha of rice and 11.60 q/ha of fish with a B:C ratio of 1.5 and maintaining his family well. Looking at his success the fish farmers of the village and nearby villages like Ojhagoan, Kaliagon are adopting the technology. The farmer’s responses are better due to good yield and increasing income.