Conversion of monocropping into double cropping area:
Like most of the villages of Udalguri district, farmers of the village Kacharitol near Tongla practise only monocropping with Rice. After harvesting of Rice no second crop was grown n the field and lying vacant until the next season. KVK has conducted a number of trainings, OFT and FLDs in the village using high yielding varieties of Toria like TS-36, TS-38, TS-67 in the village. Farmers of the village getting higher yield (7.5-9q) and better return (B:C- 1.5-1.8) from the newly introduced varieties and improved cultivation practices. Many of the farmers of the village starts growing Toria after Rice and presently about 40% area has been converter to double cropping. Other farmers of the village also become interested and the whole area will be converted to mono to double cropping.